English 2010 Intermediate Writing Reflection


         English 2010 continued my knowledge of the three rhetorical styles of Pathos, Logos, and Ethos, as well as teaching me to use various mediums to relay them. I learned that sometimes it is better to branch out into the world of infographics, interactive presentation, audio and paper mediums to relay your messages more effectively. In the future, this will not only break up the monotony many find in writing reports, essays, and research papers, into one that jumps out, perhaps quite literally from the page. There are a lot more mediums to choose from than the standard, that can bring a message to life, and possibly reach more people by the method in which they are delivered. Choosing to use the stylistic principles, aka the C.R.A.P. principals can show your viewers, readers and even listeners, that you are serious , experience, and thoughtful to the things you intentionally focus on, bringing them to light in ways that the same information could never be in a simple text document.


          My final remix project for this class took an extreme amount of time, but in the end I am truly proud of it, and I hope it will change a lot of minds about the issues of our environment. I enjoyed not only writing the open letter, which in I feel my writing, being one of my strongest attributes served well, but to create something that also included visuals beyond my simple talents of art, and also my love of music, was thoroughly satisfying. Getting help among my peers was also very helpful because many had insights to strategies in the projects creation I hadn’t thought about. The “handy dandy problem solving tool” was also very useful for organizing and focusing my ideas. I will likely use it in the future when trying to come up with a way to discuss my topic or issue. Learning how to notice errors in form or things that can distract a reader were also insightful, giving me an understanding of the things one should look at when formatting any sort of visual text. The feedback I received from Professor Howe was also very useful in the creation of these projects. I intend to use the skills I learned in this class to produce many more like this to work towards my endeavor to make the world better a better place.


         I feel that this class has taught me how to find, and in part use, a lot of various mediums that I will continue to use in the future. I have never been completely knowledgeable in the art of technology, but I feel like I am far more equipped to tackle any task than I had been prior to taking this course. I am usually quick to drag my heels to write a paper, and slow to raise my hand to share my work. However I was nether this semester, because the projects I had were not only on subjects I enjoyed, and cared a great deal for, but they were also fun to work through all the artistic choices that were allowed, and even encouraged for the projects we were assigned. For example my final two projects were complete nearly 2 weeks before either were due, and I now feel tickled pink to share them with anyone willing to watch. Not only am I excited to be able to bring my new skills to the table of any future projects, but I truly feel that if I keep applying them to my interests and views, they will find a place within the world, and now have a real chance to make a difference.